This tutorial will show you how to use a couple of layer styles, textures, and brush settings to create a bright, galaxy-inspired text effect. Let's get started!
Create a new 960 x 720 px document. Click the Create new fill or adjustment layer icon at the bottom of the Layerspanel, choose Solid Color, and use theColor#0c0e22.
Step 2
Go to File > Place Linked to open theCosmos image. Resize it as needed, and rename its layer to Background Image.
Step 3
Add a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer and change its Blend Mode to Color.
Change the Hue value to 23, and theSaturation to -45.
2. How to Create Text Layers
Step 1
Create the text in All Caps using the fontBungee. Set the Size to 230 pt, and if you use more than one line of text, change the Leading value to 210.
Step 2
Change the text layer's Fill value to 0.
Step 3
Duplicate the text layer twice.
3. How to Style the First Text Layer
Double-click the original text layer to apply the following layer style:
Step 1
Add a Bevel and Emboss with these settings:
Size: 20
Check the Anti-aliased box
Shadow Mode: Color Dodge
Color: #47fcc7
Opacity: 70%
Step 2
Add a Contour with these settings:
Contour: Rolling Slope - Descending
Check the Anti-aliased box.
Step 3
Add a Stroke with these settings:
Size: 1
Fill Type: Gradient
Use the faucet 30 gradient fill
Step 4
Add a Drop Shadow with these settings:
Opacity: 100%
Distance: 5
Spread: 30
Size: 10
This will style the first text layer.
4. How to Style the Second Text Layer
Double-click the first copy text layer to apply the following layer style:
Step 1
Add a Bevel and Emboss with these settings:
Size: 35
Uncheck the Use Global Light box
Angle: 107
Altitude: 37
Gloss Contour: Ring - Double
Check the Anti-aliased box
Highlight Mode:
Color: #ef1d58
Opacity: 70%
Shadow Mode: Color Dodge
Color: #a81227
Opacity: 70%
Step 2
Add a Contour with these settings:
Contour: Cone - Inverted
Check the Anti-aliased box.
Step 3
Add an Inner Shadow with these settings:
Blend Mode: Screen
Color: #b2b412
Opacity: 50%
Uncheck the Use Global Light box
Angle: 90
Distance: 25
Size: 30
Step 4
Add an Inner Glow with these settings:
Blend Mode: Lighter Color
Opacity: 25%
Gradient: Create the gradient fill using the Colors#4c1061 to the left,#3e2b6a in the middle, and #504b71 to the right.
Size: 18
This will style the second text layer.
5. How to Style the Third Text Layer
Double-click the second copy text layer to apply the following layer style:
Step 1 Create a new RGB document in Illustrator at 300 DPI with a resolution of 960px x 640px. Create a rectangle using a light gray color, and then create some white text on top. We used the font Cocktail Shaker . Expand the text by clicking Object > Expand or by right clicking the text and selecting Create Outlines. Click the Unite Button in the Pathfinder palette to merge any overlapping letters into a single shape. Your image should look like the one below. Step 2 With the text shape selected, click Effect > 3D > Extrude & Bevel and apply the following settings to achieve the effect below. Step 3 Duplicate the 3D text and click Object > Expand Appearance. Select the faces of the text and copy them by pressing CTRL + C. Delete the duplicate you created and paste the faces of the text back into place by pressing CTRL + F. Step 4 Change the color of the new shape to white and move it into place directly on top of the 3D text. G...
It doesn’t matter if you are new to the world of graphic design, or you are a photographer and you want to enhance your photos, you will eventually encounter the need to use Adobe Photoshop. Remembering when I first started out, I recall how intimidated I was at all of the menus and features available. I wondered how I would ever begin to know how to work my way through Photoshop and create professional quality, eye-dazzling work. Years later, I use Photoshop on a daily basis, and my actions are more like reflexes and I can complete most tasks without a second thought. I won’t lie to you. You won’t be able to go from getting started, to pro overnight, but you can take comfort in knowing that everyone has to start somewhere. Getting to Know Your Way Around Photoshop It is good to have a general idea of where everything is, so that you can work your way around the Photoshop interface. To get started, I will list some terminology, and where you can find it in Photoshop. 1. Mai...