Grungy 3D Text In Illustrator
Step 1 Create a new RGB document in Illustrator at 300 DPI with a resolution of 960px x 640px. Create a rectangle using a light gray color, and then create some white text on top. We used the font Cocktail Shaker . Expand the text by clicking Object > Expand or by right clicking the text and selecting Create Outlines. Click the Unite Button in the Pathfinder palette to merge any overlapping letters into a single shape. Your image should look like the one below. Step 2 With the text shape selected, click Effect > 3D > Extrude & Bevel and apply the following settings to achieve the effect below. Step 3 Duplicate the 3D text and click Object > Expand Appearance. Select the faces of the text and copy them by pressing CTRL + C. Delete the duplicate you created and paste the faces of the text back into place by pressing CTRL + F. Step 4 Change the color of the new shape to white and move it into place directly on top of the 3D text. G...