Grungy 3D Text In Illustrator
May 02, 2020
Step 1 Create a new RGB document in Illustrator at 300 DPI with a resolution of 960px x 640px. Create a rectangle using a light …
How to Create a Medieval Movie Title Slide in Photoshop
Photoshop tutorial
May 02, 2020
This tutorial will teach you how to make a medieval movie title slide in Photoshop using simple shapes, backgrounds, and layer …
How to Conform Text to a Surface Using a Displacement Map in Photoshop
Photoshop tutorial
May 02, 2020
There's nothing that screams "fake" more than a dynamic background surface covered in boring, flat text. Giving you…
How to Create a Galaxy Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop
Photoshop tutorial
October 29, 2017
This tutorial will show you how to use a couple of layer styles, textures, and brush settings to create a bright, galaxy-inspired t…